Monday, August 16, 2010

Fwd: An Hour for Independence

"A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history."
- Gandhi 

Prepare. Help Empower
Work An Hour
13 projects
28 schools
2000+ students
Raised: $31,873
Goal: $200,000

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! It's the eve of our 64th independence day and a time and reason to rejoice. India, as a democratic republic has moved away from the shadows of its colonial past and is rapidly making impressive strides, positioning itself as one of the fastest growing in the world.

Despite all the growth, there is a glaring economic ambiguity and disparity, accompanying the theme of progress. Fewer than 40 percent of the country's adolescents attend secondary schools, and over half of 10-year-old rural children in India are unable to read at a basic level. Without education, these children are left without means to escape their poverty, creating a society with alarmingly widening socio-economic inequality.

Asha for Education, rated 4/4 by America's premier independent charity evaluator – Charity Navigator, has been working since 1991 to bridge the socio-economic disparities through education. Work An Hour (WAH), the annual fundraiser organized by Asha for Education, has made a difference to tens of thousands of marginalized children since 1998.

In its 13th year, WAH 2010 has chosen 13 projects from all over India, addressing the issues of child labor, disabilities, and access to education. WAH 2010 sends 100% of your donation directly to the 28 schools and 2214 children supported by these projects. By contributing to WAH, you can bolster our commitment to bring hope to thousands of underprivileged children in India. By donating a symbolic hour of your time, you can give Indian children the tools they need to free themselves of the confines of hunger and socio-economic inequality.

The ambition of the greatest man of our generation has been to wipe every tear from every eye. That may be beyond us, but so long as there are tears and suffering, so long our work will not be over," said Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of independent India. What better way to celebrate India's independence by helping liberate its people—this time from poverty.

Celebrate India's Independence by donating to our Work An Hour campaign. Every small contribution counts. We look forward to your support.

With warm regards,
Mail Checks to:
'Asha for Education',
PO Box 1287,
Princeton, NJ 08542.
Mention 'WAH 2010' on the memo

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